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Philippians 2:15 tells us that we are to “shine as lights in the world” in the midst of a generation that has rejected Christ and His Word.  We call this “Radiate”.  Our purpose is to come alongside teenagers and their parents so they can fulfill the King’s mission.

Reuniones semanales

Escuela dominical

Ofrecemos dos opciones de escuela dominical, a las 9 a. M. Y a las 10:30 a. M. ¡La Escuela Dominical Radiate Youth es un tiempo de adoración, enseñanza, grupos pequeños y comida!

Miércoles por la noche

Los miércoles por la noche son de 6: 15-7: 45 en la Capilla de la Roca. Los miércoles por la noche son un tiempo para juegos, adoración, estudio bíblico, momentos interactivos de reflexión y comida.

Irradiar Calendario Juvenil

Haga clic aquí para suscribirse a nuestro calendario. La suscripción lo mantendrá actualizado con los cambios realizados.

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Upcoming Events

Church Basketball

Open Gym every wedseday after youth staring Aug 31.png

CLICK HERE for game schedule.  Remember, while days and times are set in stone, the locations are subject to change.  All changes will be updated on the link provided. 

Middle School boys will practice:

Wednesdays from 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm 

High School Boys will practice:

Wednesdays from 8:00 pm -  9:00 pm 


Girls will practice:

Sundays from 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Graduation Sunday


Sign up your graduating senior if you plan on participating in Grad Sunday!

CLICK HERE to fill out an online form and get more details. 

July 3-7 www.mvbcb.orgyouth.png

Summer Camp

It's that time again...Time to register for Summer Camp!  This year we will be attedning Crossroads Summer Camp with Clayton King in Anderson, SC.  The cost is $250 for the week.  To register please fill out the online form below and pay a $50 deposit.  Registration closes on March 1st and your balance is due on April 1st.  Please understand, After March 1st no refunds can be given.  

Click Here To Register!

Click Here to check out the camp!



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